Join Dr. Zandra Amato for this unique workout program called "TRX Suspension Training". This low-impact training program provides safe but effective flexibility, balance and builds power and strength. This program is excellent for everyone regardless of athletic ability or condition.

The series is a 4-week / 5-hour series meeting once a week. The first class is 2 hours long then 1 hour for the following classes. Series cost: $250

April 7, 10-12:00 pm

April 14, 10-11 am

April 21, 10-11 am

April 28, 10-11 am

Call to register or for more information (831) 476-2303.

Top 10 Anti-Cancer Foods

Top 10 Anti-Cancer Foods
Wednesday March 28, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Learn what the most important top 10 anti-cancer anti-oxidant foods are that you need to be eating. These powerful free-radical quenching foods boost your nutritional intake, enhance your overall health, and bolster your cancer fighting capacity. $12

Call to for more information contact Jill@jilltroderman,, or call Pacific Wellness Center at 831-476-2303

Meatless Monday Made Easy

Meatless Monday Made Easy
Wednesday March 21, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
We will explore the huge array of foods from a multitude of cuisines that you can incorporate into your meals so you can go meat free one day a week! We will discuss and learn how to make 3 different delicious vegetarian and vegan breakfasts, lunches and dinners that you can make easily and affordably at home. $12


10:00 - 11:30
PWC Annex


Personal instruction on Structural Rehabilitation and Postural Alignment that you can implement at home immediately (handout provided).

This class is a MUST for anyone with back issues OR for those who
Don't Want
back issues!

You will learn 'Structural Imprinting' that will assist your body gain 'Muscle Memory' in learning, maintain and building flexibility, balance and strength.

Space is limited! Call today (831) 476-2303

From Stress to Serenity, Now!

From Stress to Serenity, Now!
Wednesday March 7, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Raise your hand if you don’t have stress. You were hard to find. Please come and teach this workshop as I am too stressed. Just kidding! Learn about using humor, nutrition and other helpful strategies to put the stress behind so you can actually enjoy living in the present moment. We will sample calming herbal tea, learn rebalancing yoga poses, and practice stress relieving breathing techniques. Dress comfortably. $12

Curb Your Cravings

Curb Your Cravings
Wednesday March 14, 2012 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
We all get them and we all try our hardest to resist but sometimes they get the better of us. Understand why we get maddening cravings for foods and drinks that are not so deserving of eating or drinking and how to find the nourishment and system rebalancing to overcome this.  $12

DIY Friday : Make and Taste Chocolate Truffles

DIY Friday : Make and Taste Chocolate Truffles

February 10th 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM

Who Says Chocolate Isn’t a Health Food?

Join Nutritionist Jill Troderman for a fun and inspired DIY “Do It Yourself” class on making ultra healthy antioxidant rich Chocolate Truffles!!

Learn the health secrets, the allure and the sensual temptations of chocolate. We will demonstrate how to make 3 different chocolate truffles, tasting along the way. You can take home recipes so that you may share these treats with your valentine!

$15 including take home samples (if any are left after class!).

For more information contact Jill@jilltroderman,, or call Pacific Wellness Center at


TRX Suspension Training

TRX Suspension Training 
February 4th,  12-1pm

Join Dr. Zandra Amato for a unique "Suspension Training" workout that builds power, strength, flexibility and balance.

Call to register or for more information 831- 476-2303.

Women's Heart Circles Introductory Evening

Women's Heart Circles Introductory Evening  
Monday, Jan. 23, 7pm

Your heart tells you the Truth about yourself.  Are you listening?
It's a Noisy World Out There!
Are you looking for an intimate, confidential group of women who will truly listen lovingly to your deepest heart and soul?
Spiritual Director, Michelle Hodah, will guide you through the Heart Circle experience.
Come join us, tap into your Heart Power and Be Heard at your deepest soul level.   We're listening to your heart!